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  • Criminal Major Acts with free CD library edn 36th edn. 2023
  • Dr. Rega Surya Rao Lectures on Family Law 2 ( muslim law and personal laws ) reprint 2024
  • V.Nirmala (Protection of Human Rights) in Telugu edn 2020
  • The Telangana Municipalities Act 2019 in telugu edn. 2021
  • Acharya N.K. Andhra Pradesh and TS Allopathic Private Medical Care Establishments ( Registration and Regulation) Act, 2002 and other appendices useful to hospitals etc. 2nd edn. 2020 ( A must for Doctors and Hospitals)
  • My Days and World Class Academics A sequel to Criminal Procedure and Police 1st edn. 2020
  • Students Handbook on Strategic Cost Management and Performance Evaluation for CA Final New Syllabus edn. may 2023
  • Bivas Chatterjee Cyber Adjudication : Alternative Remedy 1st edn. 2015
  • Deepanjan Dey Concept and Supreme Court Rulings on Contract Labour ( regulation and abolition ) act 1970 1st edn. 2013
  • Aadhar Violation of Privacy 1st edn. 2017
  • Andhra Pradesh Criminal minor laws 2nd edn. 2020
  • V.Nirmala Law relating to Human Rights 16th edn. 2015