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  • Dr. Leelala Vishwanadham Jurisprudence and Legal Theory edn. 2014
  • Forest Rights Act 2006 ( the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers ( recognition of Forest Rights ) Act 2006 and Rules and Related Matter 2nd edn. 2022
  • Padala Rama Reddi The Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Manual edn. 2018 in telugu
  • Bare Act Legal Services Authorities Act 1987 and Rules and Regulations edn. 2021
  • Bare Act The Child and Adolescent Labour ( Prohibition and Regulation ) Act 1986 as amended by Act no. 35 of 2016 as applicable to the states of TG and AP edn. 2024
  • Bare Act Without Short Notes ( as per guidelines of Bar Council of India ) The Indian Contract Act 1872 2nd edn. 2023 ALL INDIA BAR EXAMINATIONS
  • Dr. Rega Surya Rao Lectures on Women and Law reprint 2023
  • The Telangana Excise Act 1968 10th edn. 2024
  • P Satyanarana Code of Criminal Procedure in telugu edn. 2022
  • Defence Against Arrest 1st edn. 2018
  • Cyber Laws & Information Technology 9th edn. 2022
  • All About A P and Telangana Financial Code vol. 1 1st edn. 2023